Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Special Announcement- UPDATED Great Lakes Clinic Date
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
In this short number-less episode of the Hockey Strength Podcast, we want to make sure everyone knows the new date of the Great Lakes Hockey Strength and Conditioning Clinic, and we also share the speakers and topics for the clinic. For more info, or to register for the clinic, head to greatlakeshockeystrength.com. Hope to see you in Ann Arbor in April.
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
On episode 33 of the Hockey Strength Podcast, I begin our series of conversations with the presenters for the upcoming Great Lakes Hockey Strength and Conditioning Clinic. Today, Coach Maher is going to share his favorite movement for improving power, and his thoughts on how to create an explosive hockey player.
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
On Episode 32 of the Hockey Strength Podcast, I speak with President of Crash Conditioning, Doug Crashley about the unique culture he has created at his facilities, and why his athletes can't wait to train with him year after year.
Friday Jan 15, 2016
Friday Jan 15, 2016
On Episode 31 of the Hockey Strength Podcast, BU Terriers Hockey Strength and Conditioning Coach Sean Skahan talks about the transition from the Anaheim Ducks to Boston University, including what he had to brush up on the most, and what he changed his mind about last year.
Friday Dec 18, 2015
Friday Dec 18, 2015
On Episode 30 of the Hockey Strength Podcast, we talk with University of Vermont's Justin Smith about how he is addressing very different needs of the players on his team by running 2 or 3 different programs for each team training session. Coach Smith talks about how he breaks up the groups, the focus of each group, and the biggest challenges of this method.
Friday Dec 04, 2015
Friday Dec 04, 2015
Sarah Cahill joins me to talk about how she got involved with the US Womens National Team, the challenges associated with that position, and also her new opportunity at the non-profit Inner City Weightlifting.
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
On the 28th episode of the Hockey Strength Podcast we speak with Kevin Carr, a strength and conditioning coach at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning, about his recent article "Why Our Athletes Are So Healthy"
Friday Oct 09, 2015
Friday Oct 09, 2015
On Episode 27 of the Hockey Strength Podcast, we have a chance to chat with goalie training guru Maria Mountain of Revolution Sport Conditioning about the differences between training goalies and players.
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
Hockey Strength Podcast Episode 26- Drew Little on Hypertrophy and Nutrition
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
On the 26th episode of the Hockey Strength Podcast, coach Drew Little from Michael Johnson Performance in Dallas TX argues for hypertrophy training for athletes and talks about how MJP influences the nutrition habits of its athletes.
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
University of Denver strength coach Matt Shaw joins us to talk about the Pioneer preseason, their mix of unilateral and bilateral lifts, and the use of assessments to clear players for training.